When other states in Nigeria are celebrating the Worker's Day, the people Mubi in Adamawa State of Nigeria are in disarray as twins Bomb Explosion occur in a Market and a nearby Mosque.

According to Sahara Reporters, the bomb went off in a mosque in Mubi, Adamawa, as Muslims observed their afternoon prayer.

According to Sahara Reporters, a boy who was putting on a suicide vest, set off the bomb.
Police say at least 27 worshipers were killed in the attack, the Associated Press reports.
The culprits haven't been identified at the time of this report, although the modus operandi fits into the pattern of terrorist sect » Boko Haram .

Boko Haram has been waging a war against the Nigerian State since 2009.
The senator representing Kaduna Central in the upper legislative chamber, Shehu Sani says: "The suicide bomb attack on a mosque in Adamawa stands condemned. It's despicable and evil. Again, it demonstrates the irreligious lunacy and coloration of terrorism. Both Muslims and Christians are victims".