Transition Monitoring Group (TMG) and Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA), have released preliminary statement on what they observed during the Saturday presidential and National Assembly elections across the country.
In a statement signed by Dr Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi, chairperson of TMG and Suraju Olanrewaju, chairman, (HEDA), released during a press briefing in Lagos as part of the information process of the Election Observation Platform (EOP), the groups said observers were deployed to polling units across the 36 states and Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to observe the Election Day processes.
The groups said findings from the field showed encouraging voter turnout in most polling units, adequate security, peaceful election processes in most places, adequate election materials.
It added that ad-hoc staff showed commitment and largely appeared well trained.
“However, several of the old challenges that featured in previous elections were again present in these presidential and National Assembly elections,” the groups said.
They listed the challenges to include late arrival of election officials and materials at some polling units, inducements to influence voters, attempt to disrupt voting and result collation processes by thugs, persons dressed in military/police uniforms and political party agents in some places.
Others they say are difficulties in the authentication of some registered voters due to malfunctioning of smart card readers, as well as cases of voting irregularities: unaccredited voters, multiple voting, snatching and burning of election materials and underage voting.
“Our preliminary assessment nevertheless shows that these challenges and malpractices were relatively low.”
In Summary TMG and HEDA, said there were evidences of delay in start to the polls in different locations across the country.
“These were observed in places like Adamawa, Bayelsa, Rivers, Kogi, Lagos, Nasarawa, and Oyo amongst others. This was due to late arrival of materials and personnel. However, there were a few polling units at which the process started early.”
On issues regarding accreditation and voting, they said though accreditation of voters apparently proceeded generally smoothly, that there were however incidents of accreditation difficulties.
“The secrecy of voting was guaranteed in most of the polling units. However, there were cases where secrecy was compromised,” the groups said.
The groups also noted that vote counting and result declaration processes generally proceeded without much incidents.
“Reports from our observers indicate that counting and sorting of ballots were done openly in the presence of the party agents, security personnel and election observers in most cases. Observers reported that results were announced and displayed in conspicuous places for people to see,” they said.